Student Support
Pellissippi Recommendations & Solutions to Common Problems
Recommendations for Best Experience and Avoiding Problems
Read the Pellissippi State Online Proctoring with Proctorio Guide
Be sure that your internet is connected and stable
Be sure that you are using the latest version of Google Chrome
Be sure that you have downloaded the Proctorio Extension
Be sure that you have enabled Proctorio in the course you are currently in. Go to content and if you can see “Secure Exam Proctor” then it is not currently active. Click on that “tool” and it should disappear. If it does not, follow the directions below for “being prompted for a password”
Close all other applications running on your computer.
Turn off all browser extensions other than the Proctorio extension. After your test, turn these back on.
Consider Creating a New Chrome Profile for Proctorio Testing
Create a new Chrome profile from which you will run tests proctored by Proctorio (this will not affect your current profile and you can switch back to your current profile later).
From Chrome, at the top right, select the Profile button.
Select the + Add button.
Type in a name for the new profile. You can call it Proctorio if you’d like.
Optionally, select a profile image.
Select the Add button at the bottom right.
A new Chrome window will open that uses the new Chrome profile.
Only add and enable the Proctorio extension in this new Chrome profile.
Re-try Proctorio from the new profile.
After using Proctorio you can return to your original profile by selecting the icon for your original profile in the profile menu. If you wish to delete the new profile you created for running Proctorio you can go to the profile menu, select manage people, select the ellipsis menu (the three dots) on the profile you wish to remove and select Remove this person.

Are You Being Prompted for a Password?
If Proctorio is asking for a password there is a connection issue with the quiz. Here are some pointers for improving the chances of a secure connection.
If the quiz is linked from Content, first try going to the Quizzes tab in your Brightspace course and locating the quiz. Click on the quiz from there.
If you are still being prompted for a password, check the following first:
That you are using Google Chrome
That Google Chrome is updated
Check that the Proctorio Extension is installed and on
Click on the puzzle icon in the top right corner of your chrome browser.
Go to Manage Extensions
Locate Proctorio – if it is off, turn it on
If it is missing, return to your course and follow (or re-follow) the steps to downloading the Proctorio extension.
If it is already on, try removing and reinstalling. Follow the steps above to locate the extension and click to remove it from Chrome. (you can also do this by clicking on Proctorio’s extension icon in your browser, which is a gray shield)
If all of the above are correct and you’ve tried removing and re-installing the extension, please clear your browser’s cache and cookies, and restart your computer.
If the problem is still not resolved, you will need to contact Proctorio’s Live Chat for assistance. You may need to specifically ask them to help you determine why you are being prompted for a password and how to fix the issue. You may also need to let them know everything you have already tried.
If this continues to be unresolved, contact your instructor and let them know everything you have tried already.
Please try to remain calm as we sort out the problems. Your instructor may forward your problem to our Educational Technology folks or they may work with you individually. Remember that we want you to be able to take your tests without this confusion and frustration.
Are Quiz Images not Loading?
For quizzes with a large number of images (i.e. Lab Practicals) the images may not always load immediately.
If this occurs during your test, first try waiting a minute to see if it loads
Then, try clicking the arrow to go to the next question or page, then go back. This has been reported to make the images appear.
You can also click Submit button at the bottom of the quiz and then when prompted that you have not saved your answers, click the GO BACK TO THE TEST button.
If these do not work, exit the test immediately and contact your instructor. Let them know everything you have tried to this point. In the meantime, do the following:
Check Google Chrome:
That you are using Google Chrome
That Google Chrome is updated
That your internet is connected and stable
Check that the Proctorio Extension is installed and on
Click on the puzzle icon in the top right corner of your chrome browser.
Go to Manage Extensions
Locate Proctorio – if it is off, turn it on
If it is missing, return to your course and follow (or re-follow) the steps to downloading the Proctorio extension.
Check for ad-blockers
Click on the puzzle icon in the top right corner of your browser.
Go to Manage Extensions
Look for any extensions related to blocking pop-ups or ads.
Temporarily turn off these extensions. (No ads are associated with Proctorio)
After your test, return to Manage Extensions and turn your other extensions back on.
Please try to remain calm as we sort out the problems. Your instructor may forward your problem to our Educational Technology staff or they may work with you individually. Remember that we want you to be able to take your tests without this confusion and frustration.
Consider Creating a New Chrome Profile for Proctorio Testing
If you did not submit the first attempt at the quiz, it may continue to “run” in the background. If that happens, Proctorio may not allow you to do anything else in BrightSpace until that quiz is submitted. Here is what you do:
Contact your instructor and tell them what is happening. Your instructor has the ability to enter the quiz for you and force it to submit. And they can reset (delete) that attempt for you. Please be patient as your instructor may not be available at that exact moment.
Please try to remain calm as we sort out the problems. Your instructor may forward your problem to our Educational Technology staff or they may work with you individually. Remember that we want you to be able to take your tests without this confusion and frustration.
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