Student Support
Proctorio – Frequently Asked Questions
Why and when is online proctoring necessary?
Proctored testing enables the college to ensure the academic integrity of assessments and to comply with federal regulations that require colleges offering online and distance education to verify student identity. Traditional face-to-face classes that aren’t conducive to testing in the classroom typically rely on testing facilities for live, in-person proctoring of exams. Online proctoring is being used by the College as an alternative to in-person proctored testing. This is a common practice of online and distance learning courses and is used by colleges throughout the world. In conjunction with a variety of alternate assessment strategies, faculty may rely on online proctoring to help prevent honor violations such as the following: •Use of a false identity •Unauthorized collaboration •Use of unauthorized materials •Copying or distributing test items to others
Is online proctoring required for all online exams?
No. Online proctoring for exams is an option that your instructor may or may not require for course exams. If the instructor has enabled online proctoring for an exam, then it is required of all students in that class.
How do I know if my online exam will require proctoring?
If you have an online exam that requires proctoring via Proctorio, a notification will be provided by your instructor. Additionally, prior to the exam you will be provided with instructions and a confirmation that the online exam will be proctored.
If my online exam requires proctoring, what will I need?
Students will need a webcam with microphone (internal or USB), their student ID (or government issued ID), the Google Chrome browser, the Proctorio extension, and a quiet private location with a reliable internet connection. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure these requirements are met. See the Online Proctoring with Proctorio (link) page for more information.
What if I don’t have a laptop or desktop computer?
Pellissippi has a limited number of laptops available for checkout. Contact PantherHelp to request assistance.
What if I have a technical problem?
Check to make sure that you are 1) using the Chrome browser and 2) have the proper extension installed. If you continue to experience technical issues, Proctorio offers 24/7 technical support to students via chat and email support@proctorio.com.
What about accessibility and those students with special needs?
Proctorio is VPAT certified, 508 compliant, and fully accessible to those with special needs. Students with special needs are required to contact the Disability Services to establish accommodations.
Who ultimately determines if cheating has occurred?
Just like a traditional class exam, this is determined by your instructor.
How does it work?
Proctorio requires the use of the Google Chrome web browser and you need to use/install the Proctorio extension (see Online Proctoring with Proctorio (link)). Proctorio is active when you log in to the exam and is gone when you log out. During the exam, a system of computers captures your movements and sends your video and other data to your instructor for review. Proctorio will flag activity that might not be allowed. Your instructor will then be able to review the video and data to decide if any action is necessary. Proctorio has provided a Brigthspace Getting Started Guide and a Student Troubleshooting Guide.
Who has access to student data?
Other than your instructor, only Pellissppi Brightspace support personnel would be able to access you class data. Employees of Proctorio can not access student class data. Those accessing student data are bound to the FERPA and privacy requirements as required law.
Does Proctorio compromise the security of my computer?
Proctorio does not access any content on students’ computers, especially not any of their passwords, files, or data. The Chrome browser extension that students must install only runs when a Proctorio exam is running, and once the exam ends, the tool immediately stops. The extension is a small program that does not modify your computer; it only modifies the Chrome browser. Proctorio used End-to-End Encryption to ensure your data is safe
Can I uninstall the Proctorio extension in my browser after my exam is over?
Yes. You are welcome to uninstall the Proctorio Chrome extension after your test is complete if you’re not completely comfortable keeping it on your computer.
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