Student Support
Pellissippi offers three types of online courses; Pellissippi virtual courses, Pellissippi web courses, and TN eCampus online courses.
Pellissippi virtual courses usually have section codes beginning with a ‘V’. Virtual courses will meet at specific days and times via Microsoft Teams or Zoom. Log into Brightspace (https://elearn.pstcc.edu/) with your Pellissippi user name and password and select your course(s) to learn the specifics for your course.
Virtual Course Expectations
Virtual courses are taught 100% online with scheduled class times that will conducted through video conferencing technology (currently Microsoft Teams or Zoom). These online courses are indicated in the schedule of classes with section codes starting with ‘V’. Some online courses require students to complete course assignments, quizzes or exams in a proctored environment. This means that students are monitored while completing these assignments. Some courses conduct online proctoring utilizing an application called Proctorio while some courses may require use of a testing center for proctoring. Expectations of students enrolled in synchronous online courses: •Students will log into their course prior to the first scheduled class time to prepare for joining class at the appointed time. •Students will join the class meetings at the scheduled times. •Students are expected to reach out to their instructor with questions. •Students are always expected to act with academic integrity. •Students have the right to express themselves and participate freely in an online class. •Students are expected to treat each other, instructor(s), and all other staff members with courtesy and respect. •Offensive or inappropriate language or images should not be used in any form of communication e.g., emails, discussion postings, group projects, and submitted assignments. •The discussion area of the course is reserved for postings related to course work only. Postings of a personal or non-academic nature are not permitted and may be removed by the instructor should they appear. •Grades and personal issues should be handled by private email or phone calls with the instructor. •If students receive inappropriate emails or chats from others in the class, they should notify the instructor immediately. What you can expect from your online instructors: •Prior to the first scheduled class time, your instructor will provide orientation material within the Brightspace course to explain the specific course requirements. •Instructors will be available and responsive to students. Instructors will monitor the course messages (email) and discussions on a regular basis during each week, responding as appropriate in a timely manner (instructors will explain their reply practices in their orientation). •Instructors will provide feedback to course assignments within two weeks of the assignments due date. •Course grades will be kept updated in the Brightspace grade book.
Pellissippi web courses have section codes beginning with ‘W’. These courses are asynchronous meaning they don’t meet as a class on specific days or times. Log into Brightspace (https://elearn.pstcc.edu/) with your Pellissippi user name and password and select your course to learn its organization and requirements.
Web Course Expectations
Asynchronous web online courses are taught 100% online with no face-to-face instruction. These online courses are indicated in the schedule of classes with section codes starting with ‘W’. Some online courses require students to complete course assignments, quizzes or exams in a proctored environment. This means that students are monitored while completing these assignments. Some courses conduct online proctoring utilizing an application called Proctorio while some courses may require use of a testing center for proctoring. Expectations of students enrolled in asynchronous online courses: •Students will log into their course within the first or second day of the class start date. •Students will log into their course at least twice per week to check for course updates. •Students are expected to reach out to their instructor with questions. •Students are always expected to act with academic integrity. •Students have the right to express themselves and participate freely in an online class. •Students are expected to treat each other, instructor(s), and all other staff members with courtesy and respect. •Offensive or inappropriate language or images should not be used in any form of communication e.g., emails, discussion postings, group projects, and submitted assignments. •The discussion area of the course is reserved for postings related to course work only. Postings of a personal or non-academic nature are not permitted and may be removed by the instructor should they appear. •Grades and personal issues should be handled by private email or phone calls with the instructor. •If students receive inappropriate emails or chats from others in the class, they should notify the instructor immediately. What you can expect from your online instructors: •On the first day of class your instructor will provide orientation material within the Brightspace course to explain the specific course requirements. •Instructors will be available and responsive to students. Instructors will monitor the course messages (email) and discussions on a regular basis during each week, responding as appropriate in a timely manner (instructors will explain their reply practices in their orientation). •Instructors will provide feedback to course assignments within two weeks of the assignments due date. •Course grades will be kept updated in the Brightspace grade book.
TN eCampus online courses have section codes that begin with ‘R’. These courses are asynchronous, not meeting as a class on a specific day or time. For TN eCampus online courses, select the TN eCampus link under the Resources menu on the Pellissippi home page (link https://gotoclass.tnecampus.org/d2l/login). Your TN eCampus user name and password differs from your Pellissippi user name and password. The information for your TN eCampus class access will be displayed on the login page that opens.
TN eCampus Course Expectations
TN eCampus courses are taught 100% online with no face-to-face instruction. These online courses are indicated in the schedule of classes with section codes starting with ‘R’. Some online courses require students to complete course assignments, quizzes or exams in a proctored environment. This means that students are monitored while completing these assignments. You can learn more about proctoring procedures at TN eCampus, including which courses require proctoring, at https://tnecampus.org. Expectations of students enrolled in TN eCampus online courses: •Students will log into their course within the first or second day of the class start date. •Students will complete the Student Participation Survey at the beginning of the semester to verify attendance. •Students should log into their course at least twice per week to check for course updates. •Students are expected to reach out to their instructor with questions. •Students are always expected to act with academic integrity. •Students have the right to express themselves and participate freely in an online class. •Students are expected to treat each other, instructor(s), and all other staff members with courtesy and respect. •Offensive or inappropriate language or images should not be used in any form of communication e.g., emails, discussion postings, group projects, and submitted assignments. •The discussion area of the course is reserved for postings related to course work only. Postings of a personal or non-academic nature are not permitted and may be removed by the instructor should they appear. •Grades and personal issues should be handled by private email or phone calls with the instructor. •If students receive inappropriate emails or chats from others in the class, they should notify the instructor immediately. What you can expect from your online instructors: •On the first day of class your instructor will provide orientation material within the Brightspace course to explain the specific course requirements. •Instructors will be available and responsive to students. Instructors will monitor the course messages (email) and discussions on a regular basis during each week, responding as appropriate in a timely manner (instructors will explain their reply practices in their orientation). •Instructors will provide feedback to course assignments within two weeks of the assignments due date. •Course grades will be kept updated in the Brightspace grade book.
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